Young man? you’ll go far

On the naughty step this week is the young, ambitious solicitor representing Santander I came up against in the county court.

My client had already had 5 adjournments, I wasnt even going to bother asking for a 6th but would happilly accept a suspended possession order which would give us the time we needed to do what I had to to save her home.

Mr Cocky launched into a prepared speech with the correct level of personal outrage and said that his instructions were to push for outright possession. He added, to show he had heart, that he would be prepared to agree to a suspended possession order. I didnt have the heart to tell him that was all I had come for.

As we were walkiing into the actual courtroom the usher turned around and said “We’re just turning the tape on”. He looked horrified and hissed to me “I didnt know they taped it…..I cant be heard to agree to a suspended order. I’ll ask for an outright and you ask for a suspended and I wont fight very hard”.

My equally hissed response as we were taking our seats in front of the judge was “No, no, no. All bets are off, you’re trying to stiff us”.

I asked for a 6th adjournment, now solely on principle. His inexperience showed and he made the classic mistake of telling the judge what to do. Judge got the hump….I got my 6th adjournment

Naughty man!!